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Alle erstellten Inhalte von Paolo

  1. Ok Thank I'll try with velvet from ebay. Paolo
  2. Hi I went to the knitwear shop with a piece of velvet of tk35. The shop let me a piece of alcantara , is similar to velvet , alcantara is used to upholstery of cars. At the test on tk35 after 20 minutes of projection it was consummate. I notice that the pressure on the skates is heavy otherwise the projection is not stable. I try to project without the velvet, smoothing the gate film rail , the projector works . I have a cinemeccanica machine and Pion, these projectors don't have tissues , the guides are of steel. Paolo
  3. Hi Ok i understand, i suppose that the cable strap shall be glued on the rail of the film gate. I tried to make a slice of teflon, the problem is that the teflon is impossible to glued on anything. Paolo.
  4. Hi Thanks for the answer. On the gate there was the velvet glued. I don't understand the type of nylon tapes , is it tissue? Paolo
  5. Hallo Forum Member, I'm Paolo and write from Italy, Sorry I don't speak german. I'm new in this forun I have a zeiss TK35 Film projector, I'm starting the restoration and adapting to use with actual film format. My problem is the metal piece film gate (Filmbahneinsatz), is the opposed part of wooden film pressure. When i bought the projector this part was missing, I found it on ebay. The felt fabric is worn, I remove and clear the part but I don't know where i can find this tissue. Where is someone that help me? or sell me a new film gate. The wood pressure appear in good condition, some time ago a service center tell me that there is a procedure to renew the pressure, It is possible? Thanks Paolo
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