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A new project on the topic of film projection and to invite your participation in it

Thomas Hauerslev

Empfohlene Beiträge

I have recieved this mail from www.caboosebooks.net - it is about documenting the work of the projectionist from all over the work. Small beginning has already started here: http://www.caboosebooks.net/planetary-projection


Any Forum projectionists who want to write, they are most welcome to contact Marina Uzunova, projectionists@caboosebooks.net


Cheers Thomas







I’m writing to tell you about a new project on the topic of film projection and to invite your participation in it.


Planetary Projection is a collaborative on-line project that will profile individual film projectionists around the world. Perhaps you would consider submitting a few hundred words about film projection – something about your work you’ve always wanted to share, to inform people about?


We’d like contributions to be lively and personal, something that will interest everyone from casual web surfers to film historians. Rather than starting out by saying ‘My name is . . .’, perhaps you could take pen in hand and set down your innermost thoughts, beginning with a sentence that might start out: ‘Sometimes when I’m in the booth I think . . .’; or ‘The important thing to remember about film projection is . . .’; or ‘To me, digital projection . . .’; or ‘The strangest thing that ever happened to me in the booth . . .’; etc. Some basic information about you can be provided in a separate mini-biography accompanying your contribution.


Our on-line album will gradually form and grow. A printed book is planned when enough portraits have been created. We’re just getting started and hope you’ll consider being one of the first to participate, and help us spread the word.


Planetary Projection is a project of caboose, an independent scholarly film book publisher whose acclaimed new English translation of selected essays from André Bazin’s anthology What is Cinema? was released in 2009. In the spring of 2012 we will publish the first-ever English translation of the volume Introduction to a True History of Cinema and Television by Jean-Luc Godard.


Please visit our web site to learn more about us and our publication projects. You’ll also find there an article on the early film projectionist by caboose proprietor Timothy Barnard, in its published English, French and Spanish versions.


Yours sincerely,



Marina Uzunova


Project coordinator

Planetary Projection




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