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LIVE 3D auf Sony 4K bei Landmark.


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Landmark hat erstmals 3D live (mittels sony 4K SRX) übertragen. Interessantes neues Einsatzfeld:


SONY 4K DIGITAL PROJECTORS USED FOR FIRST 3D HD LIVE-ACTION SIMULCAST OF REGULAR SEASON NBA GAME 3-D Event Illustrates the Potential for Alternate Content in Movie Theaters


Sony Electronics’ 4K digital cinema projectors were used last night for the first-ever live 3D HD presentation of an NBA regular season game in a commercial movie theater.


The game between the Dallas Mavericks and the Los Angeles Clippers was transmitted live via satellite from the American Airlines Center to Landmark Entertainment Groups’ Magnolia Theater, where more than 300 fans and invited guests, viewed the event wearing special 3D glasses.


FSN Southwest used PACE/Cameron Fusion Sports System to capture the action on the court, utilizing modified Sony HD cameras to deliver a unique depth-of-field perspective to the audience. Each of the four 3D systems used were designed with two cameras that capture the left eye and right eye imagery separately, and create one three-dimension effect. In the theater, two Sony SRX-R110 4K projectors in a double-stacked configuration projected the 3D content onto an 18 x 42-foot screen at four times the resolution of full high definition.


“We’re very pleased at the outcome of last night’s broadcast of a live-action regular-season game to an audience of loyal fans miles away, in ultra high definition, and using Sony’s 4K 3D system for projection,” said FSN Southwest senior vice president and general manager Jon Heidtke. “This type of event is truly a glimpse into what the future holds for sports television.”


Sony’s 4K digital projectors and 3D-enabled CineAlta™ 4K digital projection technology are now deployed across the United States, at commercial theater chains such as Landmark Entertainment, AMC Theaters and Muvico Theaters. The 4K digital systems are the only projectors available on the marketplace capable of displaying more than 8.8 million pixels of resolution.


“The reaction from the crowd at this event was nothing short of phenomenal,” said Andrew Stucker, director of Sony Electronics' digital cinema systems group. “4K projection technology proved once again that it is the perfect complement for alternate content, taking the movie-theater experience to a new level and transforming an audience from viewers into participants. Even courtside seats couldn’t deliver this type of action and excitement.”



Ich würde allerdings tippen das 1080p nach 4K aufgeblasen wurden, 3D in 4K live geht bisher nur mit Kameras von Mitbewerbern von Sony - 35 zu 65mm blowup auf neue Art sozusagen.

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