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Kinepolis lässt über SmartJog anliefern


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Kinepolis deploys the SmartJog Central Library Solution for storage and digital cinema delivery to its theaters in Europe


Paris, France (November 4, 2009) - SmartJog, the leader in managed digital delivery workflows worldwide, is pleased to announce that European exhibitor, Kinepolis Group, has selected SmartJog’s Digital Cinema Central Library Servers to use in all of its 23 theaters.  Kinepolis will purchase and install the Digital Cinema Central Library Servers which are capable of storing large amount of content as well as receiving Digital Cinema Packages (DCPs) via satellite and fiber.

“Kinepolis has been using the SmartJog system for a few years now to receive advertising content from Médiavision, as well as cinema trailers which are digitally sent via the SmartJog network to our Cinemas in France,“ says Bob Claeys, Research and Development Director for Kinepolis Group.  “Since we are actively rolling-out digital equipment in all of our Cinemas in France, Belgium and Spain, it was essential for us to find a solution capable of scalability in terms of storage and digital delivery.”

Claeys continues, “Therefore, we have opted for the SmartJog “all-in-one” solution of high-end storage and digital delivery solution. Since it’s already compatible with the equipment in our cinemas such as our Dolby servers, the SmartJog Central Library allows us to store content received in our multiplexes without the need to add multiple reception and storage equipment. The flexibility of the SmartJog solution also lets us manage the delivery of our own promotional content to all of our cinemas in Europe seamlessly.”

By the beginning of 2010, all of Kinepolis Group Cinemas will be equipped with the SmartJog 12 or 8 terabyte Central Library servers and will benefit from SmartJog’s fully managed digital delivery service. With this announcement, SmartJog is proud to announce that it has now connected 537 screens in Europe.


About SmartJog

SmartJog, the global leader in digital delivery with presence in 65 countries, offers a fully managed distribution and file transfer platform for the secure, fast, and reliable digital delivery of content. SmartJog is the trusted partner for the global exchange of all the Hollywood Studios’ most critical content. SmartJog’s digital cinema solutions provide a centralized place for clients’ digital cinema needs, including distribution, localization, storage, and asset management of digital cinema packages. SmartJog, a TDF subsidiary, operates TDF’s pan-European Digital Cinema service offerings along with Media Broadcast, for the electronic delivery of digital content to theatres.

SmartJog was created in 2002 and is a subsidiary of TDF Group. TDF Group, based in Paris, France, is the leading European distributor of radio and television services and an important developer of data communications networks and network infrastructure.


About Kinepolis

Since the Kinepolis Group was set up in 1997 and was listed on the stock market in 1998, it has since grown to become Belgium's market leader and a leading player in the European market. Kinepolis currently owns 23 cinema complexes in Belgium, France, Spain, Poland and Switzerland, and employs 1400 people. The group entertained in 2008 21.9 million of cinemagoers. The Kinepolis concept is based on a continuous process of innovation and service.


Denke das ist eine gute Entscheidung kenne das System seit Jahren und finde es recht praktisch. Die Files, hier DCPs werden ohne das man sich drum kümmern muss auf den Server geladen und wenn alles fertig ist gibt es eine automatische E-mail.

Damit entfällt dann das mMn sinnlose bespielen, und transportieren von Festplatten sowie langwieriges Kopieren im Kino.

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