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Hi, Guys!


Sorry I didn't post it here first. icon_redface.gif


We have been soooo swamped with orders and, honestly, we were trying to get this thing on the website by Christmas but missed that window of opportunity. Just wasn't quite ready. Here's the skinny on the unit:


To start with, the Retro-8 is really meant for consumer use. The unit is not a speed demon. Runs at a little over 2fps so it takes about 30 minutes to scan a 50 foot roll but it is totally automatic. The unit will stop automatically in case of breakage, jam or end of run. The software will stop as well. You load, start scan and walk away. The next version of the software will notify your smart phone when it finishes a run or stops for any reason. The unit scans frame by frame, codec-free in HD and you can watch the files immediately after capture on your PC in the viewing software. You can then export both 1080p HD as well as SD video .MOV files or it can output a numbered image sequence in a folder. When watching the movies on the viewing software, the user can click on the "SnapShot" button and it will save a still frame in a folder, if desired. No focusing required or futzing with alignment. The beta version of the software auto crops just inside the frame but a future version will allow you to adjust inside or outside cropping of the frame after capture in the viewing software. icon_wink.gif


The unit has a built in high resolution machine vision camera and the Retro-8 Scan/Play software does content analysis during capture to find the sprocket holes and align the frames both vertically and horizontally. We call it Solid State Registration and pretty much accurate within a pixel. Very steady. You can intermix super 8 and regular 8 on the same role and it will automatically change cropping on the fly. You don't even need splicing tape. Though I wouldn't recommend it, you could, literally, staple the films together if you want. But you can certainly tape them with nothing more than regular scotch tape and it works fine. Any frames with missing or covered sprocket holes will be skipped. The unit features zero image area contact at the gate and the rubber guide rollers only touch the film at the edges. So it's very safe on film. Future version of the software will handle color negative. We've already tested it on neg but are limiting the features in the beta version of the software so the release isn't delayed. Anyone getting the unit now can upgrade to the later version of the software at no additional charge, of course. It records in 24 bit color with standard square pixel orientation. HD output files have black bars on the left and right. The unit outputs both NTSC and PAL files with equal quality.


In terms of day to day maintenance, there's not much to it. The high intensity LED relays zero heat to the gate and will last for thousands of hours. The direct drive take up reel pulls the film through the system and that's it. Separate direct drive rewind motor combined with no pinch roller, no capstan, no sprockets, no claw, no belts, no slip clutches, no gears = no maintenance; not even lubrication. Just blow it out and keep on truckin'. Or don't blow it out. Makes no difference on performance of the unit.


The Retro-8 requires a 64 bit PC with a recommended 8 gigs of RAM, though we're pretty sure it will work on 4 gigs but simply haven't tested it as such just yet. However, RAM is cheap! icon_smile.gif The Retro-8 connects via a standard USB port so no special capture card is required. You can see the frames being captured during the scanning process in the capture software and then play back immediately with no rendering required.


The unit will be priced at $3495.00 starting February 1st. Until then, there is a pre-order discount price of $2495. Both prices include the software. Later in the spring, after we've built up an inventory, we will be renting the units within the USA only for $100 per day.


I'm pretty jazzed about it. We've been working on this for a couple of years, actually. icon_smile.gif







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