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Film Projector Alignment Issue


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I'm facing a perplexing alignment issue with my film projector and would greatly appreciate your help in troubleshooting and resolving this issue.

Details as : Projector Model: CineStar Pro 2000

The setup includes a high-quality zoom lens for precise image focusing, and it utilizes a 200W halogen lamp with a color temperature of 5500K for optimal color rendition and brightness. The projected image appears misaligned or distorted, affecting the overall picture quality.


The misalignment persists consistently across different film reels, indicating that it's not related to specific films or reels. I've made basic adjustments to the lens and focus settings in an attempt to correct the alignment issue, but with limited success. I've thoroughly inspected the projector components for any signs of damage or wear but haven't identified any obvious issues. I've verified that the film reels are loaded correctly and that the film path is clear of any obstructions or debris.


The projector has been regularly maintained and serviced according to the manufacturer's recommendations. I've consulted the user manual and online resources for troubleshooting tips but haven't found a solution yet.


Any tips  from individuals who have fcaed similar alignment issues with film projectors would be invaluable.


Your  guidance would be immensely appreciated.


Thank you



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If the mirror ist not correct produced, it's not possible to get a sharp an contrast picture. This could be better with a lens with reduced brightness.

When using an anamorphotic lens, it gets really bad. Then you're shure, your mirror is rubbish.


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Hello  ,Jensg


Thank you for your reply ! I'll explore the possibility of using a lens with reduced brightness to resolve the problem.




Thank you


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