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es ist mal wieder da, das 3D Festival im Egyptian Theatre in Hollywood diesen Herbst, Anfang September.

Eine empfehlenswerte Zeit für Los Angeles Reisen, die Urlaubszeit ist mit Labour day weekend vorbei, und die größte Hitze geschafft.

Angenehmes, warmes südkalifornisches Klima lädt ein, Filme im originalen Verfahren des Polarisationsverfahrens mit 2 Interlock Projektoren zu sehen.

Das letzte Festival war wunderbar.

Siehe Anhang.







Contact: Jill Wharton, Press@3Dfilmfest.com


Date: May 1, 2006


World 3-D Film Expo II at the Egyptian Theatre in Hollywood opens with TWO restored 3-D Classics, "Those Redheads From Seattle" and "Taza, Son of Cochise"; These are only the first of a series of restored 3-D films being run for the first time in over 50 years!



September 8-17, 2006


Hollywood -- SabuCat Productions will try to top their highly successful "World 3-D Film Expo" of 2003 with "World 3-D Film Expo II", this coming September 8 through September 17, 2006, at the historic Egyptian Theatre in Hollywood. The 10 day festival will not only be highlighting the sold out shows of 2003 (such as "House of Wax", Creature From the Black Lagoon", "Robot Monster", "The Glass Web" and "Dial M For Murder"), but will also be showing EIGHT new "Golden Era" titles, most of which have never been seen in over 50 years in 3-D. In fact, two of the titles have never been shown in 3-D even in the 1950's! The Expo will be having the World 3-D premieres of "Diamond Wizard" (1954) and "Jivaro" (1954). Most of the other six new titles, "Sangaree", "Those Redheads From Seattle", "Taza, Son of Cochise", "Devil's Canyon", "Wings of the Hawk", and "Cease Fire" have not been seen in 3-D since their original release dates.


NONE of the films will be shown in the anaglyphic (red/blue) system; like Expo I,, all of the "Golden Age" features and shorts will be shown in 35mm and in "double interlock" Polaroid System, the original method (and still the very best method) for showing these films.


All told, 35 features and over 20 short subjects will unspool at the Expo. In addition to the various feature films, we will be premiering several 3-D short subjects, including the long lost cartoon, "Popeye, Ace of Space", as well as "Hawaiian Nights", Carnival in April", "Owl and the Pussycat", and many others.


Other highlights of Expo II include:


• Opening night Gala, with food and wine, and showing TWO 3-D premieres: "Those Redheads From Seattle" and "Taza, Son of Cochise".


• The World Polaroid projection premiere of "Night of the Living Dead 3D" (2006), with the director, Jeff Broadstreet, in attendance, as well as the stars of the film!


• World premiere of the fully restored, uncut, "The Stewardesses" (1971) will be shown on Saturday, September 9th, as a midnight screening. The star of the film, Christina Hart, will be making her first personal appearance for the film in 35 years!


• A special "All Animation" show, highlighting a dozen animated films from the Golden era of 3-D (and earlier!).


• Shows highlighting Russian and British 3-D short films, most of which have never been seen in the United States.


• Rarities, Part II: One of the key highlights of Expo I was "Rarities"; we've now discovered some more, amazing and historic stereoscopic imagery!


• "Cease Fire" is the only film (let alone a film in 3-D) ever shot at an actual war: The Korean War, in this case, using actual soldiers as actors. Some of those soldiers (and their families) are planning to attend; it will be the first time the film has been screened in 3-D in over 50 years.


• Paul Morrissey's "Frankenstein" (1974) will be screened in a brand new restored print!


• Even in the case of films that were run at Expo I, we will have a few "new" surprises. For example, "Kiss Me Kate" will be screened using the only surviving original dye-transfer ("3-strip") Technicolor print still in existence. "Charge at Feather River" is a brand new restored print. And for the first time in over 50 years, many of the Golden Age films will screen in WIDE SCREEN, as they were meant to be seen.



Festival organizer Jeff Joseph says, "Although Expo I was wildly successful, we swore we would never do one again... but then, some film elements were discovered, some studios started to be very helpful, one thing led to another...and here we are."


Detailed information about the festival, film schedule, and tickets can be found at:




The festival can be reached at:


Phone number: 661 538-9259

Fax number: 661 793-6755


*Special note: Although at the Egyptian Theatre, this festival is not a program of the American Cinematheque.




Broadcast quality video clips will be available. To obtain clips for broadcast please e-mail your mailing address to us and your deadline for receiving materials.


Hi-Resolution, downloadable film stills and original poster images are available on this private "press only" page on the website:




Festival organizer and 3-D expert Jeff Joseph is available for interview. He can be reached at his SabuCat Productions e-mail: Jeff@sabucat.com or at the festival phone number listed above. Also available for interview is our 3-D guru Daniel Symmes of Dimension 3. Dan can be reached at: Mr3D@D3.com.




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