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Anyone has got experience/tips...?

I got a Colenta machine for developing photopapers

and would like to change it for continuous 16mm films....




Machines for Photographic Paper are not siutable for developing Film. The bassains are different due to the mixture of chemicals, also the transport mechanism, the pichrollers and guiders inside the trays cannot be used for film.

Use a developing machine for films (which are also on the market) which can be used to develop motion picture film with some minor modifications.


I know, it will be complicated/difficult/impossible. I got that machine for free. And I am a cinema person.

I will try to modify the rollers, maybe make ( have weld ) new clusters.... I will see...



Chris seems to be right, unless you use hanging frames to wind film on. But that will only be a few meters per frame. Nitrogen bubbles used to be used for agitation. My Colenta was the first to be made and is a rotary machine. Been using it for over 40 years now

vor 15 Stunden schrieb KarelRysan:

I know, it will be complicated/difficult/impossible. I got that machine for free. And I am a cinema person.

I will try to modify the rollers, maybe make ( have weld ) new clusters.... I will see...


The Money you´ll spend to convert this.... POS to a working developing machine for film is better invested into buying a used Kodak minilab. Or ask in hospitals in the heartsurgeon´s department. Sometimes they used x-ray cinematography for a long time and had the developingmachines there, 15 years ago i got mine for free and gave it away to a project near vienna. (that never come to a conclusion, so the machine went to the scrapyard - what a shame)

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