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Kann Mann in Englisch beitragen?


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Ich bin Englander und mein Deutsch is schrecklich. Kann Mann in Englisch hier beitragen? Ich ansammel seit 47 Jahre und hierunter sind photos meines Garage-Kino. Die Projektoren sind sehr alt (1930 und 1947), aber sie sind wiederhergestellt und laufen sehr gut.




Ich habe eine Frage. In mein Sammlung sind drei deutsche Dokumentarfilme (jeder dauert 20 minuten) von UFA fur Deutsche Luftpost/Deutsche Lufthansa in die 1930s gemacht. Sie heissen "....Und Nachmittags in Barcelona", "Brief Fliegen Uber Den Ozean" and "FP1 Ist Wirchlichkeit Geworden". Der letzte spricht von "FP1 Antwortet Nicht" (1932). Sie sind auf original 35mm Sicherheitsfilme in die originale Kartone. Kan Mann mir sagen, bitte, wo ich Information darauf finden kann? Vielen dank.

Bearbeitet von exciterlamp (Änderungen anzeigen)
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Hello, exciterlamp


What an amazing start are you making with that lot of most interesting pictures!


I think it might be worth a little debate whether the forum should get an extra section in English or something the like.


Dein Deutsch ist nicht so schrecklich. Es gibt Schlimmeres von Menschen, die deutsch sprechen.

Bestimmt weiss jemand von uns eine Antwort auf deine Fragen. Ich befasse mich in erster Linie mit der Technik.


Willkommen (virtuell) auf dem Kontinent!

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Ich habe eine Frage. In mein Sammlung sind drei deutsche Dokumentarfilme (jeder dauert 20 minuten) von UFA fur Deutsche Luftpost/Deutsche Lufthansa in die 1930s gemacht. Sie heissen "....Und Nachmittags in Barcelona", "Brief Fliegen Uber Den Ozean" and "FP1 Ist Wirchlichkeit Geworden". Der letzte spricht von "FP1 Antwortet Nicht" (1932). Sie sind auf original 35mm Sicherheitsfilme in die originale Kartone. Kan Mann mir sagen, bitte, wo ich Information darauf finden kann? Vielen dank.


If no collector of our Forums does know anything, you might try inquiring our Federal Archives, since they claim to be specialized on archiving film of the timeframe between 1930 to 1945.


Falls kein Sammler aus dem Forum weiterhelfen kann, könntest du mal beim Bundesarchiv nachfragen, immerhin behaupten die von sich, besonders auf den Zeitraum von 1930 - 1945 spezialisiert zu sein.


Best regards und Frohes Fest!

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Hi @exciterlamp, welcome in this Forum - I like the pictures you added and believe I saw them even somewhere before - could it have been on Film-Tech? Very, very impressive!

Regarding the titles you are asking about, there is some small amount of information given through the following links. It seems nothing can be found on internet about "Und nachmittags in Barcelona".

Yours very truly, Season's Greetings and Happy New Year




Briefe fliegen über den Ozean




F.P.1 wird Wirklichkeit




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Hello "Tonlampe" (thats the translation for exciterlamp in german)


congratulations for your "garage cinema" it looks like one of these old movie palaces, that we have before the 2nd world war in Berlin and Munich. The "newer" one without the Vitaphone-player seems to be a Ross from London and the older one looks like a kalee, i hope i´m right.


I searched the internet about the films "FP1", the only text i was able get is not very interesting, but here is the (google) translation in english, it seems to be an science fiction film :


FP1 antwortet nicht:


"Lieutenant Droste to establish a flight platform in the ocean to provide the pilot of the intercontinental flights a landing strip for refueling and repairs on their aircraft. With the help of the pilot Ellissen he manages to win the leadership of the Lennartz works for his project. Ellissen who has a fling with Claire Lennartz, a sister of the owners, afraid to return from a wedding and looking for a new adventure. Meanwhile, the platform will be built under the direction Droste.


After two years, a city built on the ocean with an airfield, hangars, hotels and shopping centers. During a storm breaks off the connection to the flight platform. The last thing was to hear over the phone, had shots and screams. The storm continues, and it needs the best pilots to FP One to fly. Ellissenwho isis now depressed by love, grief, canbe persuaded Claire to fly with her to the platform . The two reached the island and survive a crash landing.


The crew of FP1 is a saboteur fell victim who has gassed. Before Chief Engineer Damsky fled by boat, he has opened the valves so that FP1 is highly unlikely. Claire finds the badly injured Droste and takes care of him. Ellissen must recognize that he has finally lost Claire. After a short time but he picks himself up and starts with a plane to get help. When he finally sighted a ship, he jumps from his plane, is brought from the ship's crew on board and a means of summoning help by radio. A fleet of ships and aircraft is on its way to save FP1."


I also own a 16mm-print of "Brief fliegen über den Ozean", there´re several versions of this docomentary, in the first version, the letter "travels" with the "LZ Hindenburg" in the later versions, an airplaine from the "luft hansa" is used. My version is the first one with the "Hindenburg".


Some of us have own home cinemas, but i think none of us have such interesting machines like you do. An original Vitaphone installation, thats marvellous!


best regards,


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Thank you all for you very warm welcome.


Filmtechnik, Thank you for your very kind and generous comments about my German. I read and understand German much better than I speak it. My wife is half German and we visit Germany at least once a year - always for the Christmas markets and frequently during the summer. In fact, we have only just returned from Nuremberg.


Martin. Yes, it is a Vitaphone attachment. At present it does not work, as I am using a 1950s replacement motor, which runs at a different speed from the original motor. I have an original motor from 1929, but the wiring is fragile and it need a lot of work. The disc is from the 1929 film "Redskins",


FP. Thank you very muchfor the details of the Federal Archive. I will contact them in the new year.


Sam. Thank you so much for the very interesting links to two of the films. And, yes, the pictures are on the Filmtech site.


TK-Chris. Thank you for the summary of "FP1 antwortet nicht". You certainly know your projectors! One is a Western Electric Universal Base sound reproducer (1930) with a Kalee 12 mech (1941 type) and Monarc lamp. The other is a Ross GC1 mech (1947) with an RCA9031 soundhead (1947) and a Peerless Magnarc lamp (1930s). The Universal Base/Kalee12/Monarc came from the local cinema, where I spent many happy hours in the 1950s. The Ross GC1/RCA9031/Magnarc came from my wife's old local cinema, where she also spent many happy hours in the 1950s.


May I wish you all a great Christmas and a very



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Hallo Exiterlamp,

schön, dass Du da bist. Dein Deutsch ist sehr ordentlich und ich denke,

dass es hier ein gutes Übungsfeld für technisches Deutsch gibt.

Es wäre für uns alle sicherlich interessant, wie die Kino-Szene in Großbritannien ist.

Hast Du viele Freunde, die ein Garagenkino betreiben? Seid ihr so 'freakig' wie wir?



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Ja bin ich denn hier in einem englischen Forum gelandet ??

Ich glaube, die meisten "reden hier deutsch" !!

Also laßt es dabei.

Ihr müßt jetzt nicht einem englischsprechenden (obwohl er ja ganz gut Deutsch kann)beweisen

wie gut Euer Englisch ist.

Wenn er hier "mitmischen" will, dann bitte in DEUTSCH.

Ansonsten macht doch ein 2.Filmvorführerforum in Englisch auf.

Dann wird man hier nicht mit dem ausländischen genervt.

Demnächt fragt einer aus Russland, Italien, oder Spanien an.

Dann sagt im bitte gleich (mit Filmtitel) MAN SPRICHT DEUTSCH


Bis dahin EINEN GUTEN RUTSCH und a happy neues Year (fröhliches neues Jahr)



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