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Widescreen Weekend, Bradford, UK - März 2010


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Maybe Herbert of the Schauburg in Karlsruhe can set up the 3-strip Kinopanorama. Just move out the equipment in the regular booth, cut a view more holes in the wall for the projectors and install a wider screen and a some more amplifiers and speakers for the 9-track Soundsystem.


Wouldn't that be more suitable for your own home theatre? But tell your neigbors beforehand so they can decide to move out :D

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:D :D :D :D Herbert is already doing a great job to promote every 70mm (and from any country) or WS format that a such job is not needed. But if he wants to do it .... just remember how the first Cinermiracle was projected, the projector were into the theater, without booth.


As reported by Thomas, "It's unfortunate you sit on these prints and cannot have them shown anywhere - doesn't make sence. it's worthless film unless shown to people ". It's wrong, we are not sitting on the prints ... its dangerous for them. We are open but we do not want to leave into unknown hand prints that have a such value (not money, but I don't think Gosfilmofond has still the material to reprint them) for many weeks and do trials or alignments when times permits. It could be scheduled !


I was maybe one of the last to project the French 70mm OV/ST print of "Around the World in 80 days" in the 80's. The distributor use to give us the print the early morning, we use to do a screening test and then the show during the day and the print came back to distributor's storage ASAP. No platter was allowed, reel to reel only. It was the same for the 35mm mag IB print for "Voyage to the center of the earth".


So we are not asking Bradford WSF team to climb Everest, we are just very careful.

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I wrote in French (sorry but I know only French, English Russian but not German) Ich schreibe ein wenig, aber nicht sehr gut an almost complete story of the Paris Kinopanorama:


You have the external link here:




Follow all Kinopanorama links, you have the story of the theater from soviets to Gaumont. It's not completely finished, I have some copyright problem for the last years (1985-1992). The technical part of the process is detailed. If someone here wants to do the translation to German, feel free to do it with a credit and copyrights for pictures.


Best regards.

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"....just remember how the first Cinermiracle was projected, the projector were into the theater, without booth."


"Windjammer" wasn't shown like described at the Chinese and the ROXY April 8, 1958, nor anyone else I imagine, except mayby in open fields in Congo. In Denmark, "Windjammer" toured several large halls, and all 4 projectors and the dubber where installed in a 40" container, with projection windows, electricity, water, ventilation etc.


In the Cinemiracle's HQ at Mt. Eden in New York, the projectors were in the "theatre", just like in Cinerama's HQ in Oyster Bay. But that wasn't a theatre - it was a room converted into a studio for the production of the film.

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"Windjammer" wasn't shown like described at the Chinese and the ROXY April 8, 1958, nor anyone else I imagine, except mayby in open fields in Congo.


@Thomas ... I attended the screening of WINDJAMMER in Kinshasa, formerly Zaire and today Democratic Republic of Congo on 30th October, 1974. It was held at an open field. The deep curved screen (CCC approved) was built into the open Pool Malebo sea and the audience was expected to be seaten at the beach ... very impressive. The 3 projectors were haused into wooden booths in the trees, about 10 meters high.


The whole screening was financed by a cooper mining company. Unfortunately they booked the screening on the same day as the legendary "Rumble in the Jungle" fight of Muhammad Ali against George Forman. Very unprofessional ... the fight attracted all the local audience and the WINDJAMMER screening was a desaster, only 3 guests saw it and its almost forgotten history now.


The first draft of Michael Manns screenplay ALI centered about a young male african projectionist of the WINDJAMMER show, who wanted to see the fight eagerly, but has to work this night on the C-projector. Already in the second draft Mann cut this projecionist character out and put the Muhammed Ali character in.


Nice memories ... thanks for making us remember, Thomas!

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"Windjammer" wasn't shown like described at the Chinese and the ROXY April 8, 1958, nor anyone else I imagine, except mayby in open fields in Congo.


@Thomas ... I attended the screening of WINDJAMMER in Kinshasa, formerly Zaire and today Democratic Republic of Congo on 30th October, 1974. It was held at an open field. The deep curved screen (CCC approved) was built into the open Pool Malebo sea and the audience was expected to be seaten at the beach ... very impressive. The 3 projectors were haused into wooden booths in the trees, about 10 meters high.


Holy Cow. That sounds like a *pretty* cool experience.

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  • 2 Monate später...

I have read with interest recent posts by Lenkinap in respect to the screening of 3-strip Kinopanorama films held by them. For the record, I offer my full and unbiased support to the French members of Triple Ecran as regards their ongoing efforts to encourage the Bradford management to screen these films.


However, I must state for the record that certain comments made in the past by Mr T Hauerslev do not accurately reflect the situation vis-a-vis the original dialogue between Triple Ecran and Herr Hauerslev.


Be that as it may, it's time for the above parties to put their differences aside, and to arrive at some arrangement, so that these priceless films may be screened at the 2011 Wide Screen Festival.


The new Programme Officer recently remarked that Bradford is looking for wide screen films, which have previously not been screened there. May I suggest that he contact Lenkinap, without any consultation on the part of Herr Hauerslev, whose input on such matters to the Bradford management, in my personal opinion, is not always in the best interests of widescreen film enthusiasts and preservationists.

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John Steven Lasher ist Produzent und Regisseur des Films CHASTITY, TRUTH AND KINOPANORAMA.




Er hat 1993 eine originale Kinopanorama-Kamera reaktiviert und mithilfe russischer Techniker das dreistreifige Format wiederbelebt.

THE BOUNTY (1995) war der erste seit den sechziger Jahren gedrehte Dreistreifenfilm. 1999 wirkte Mr. Lasher auch an der Restaurierung des Spielfilms OPASNIYE POVOROTY mit:




Ein schöner Artikel über die Suche nach der Kinopanorama-Technik ist zu lesen in Wide Gauge Film And Video Monthly [special Edition 1999. Volume 4, Number 1].


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The new Programme Officer recently remarked that Bradford is looking for wide screen films, which have previously not been screened there. May I suggest that he contact Lenkinap, without any consultation on the part of Herr Hauerslev, whose input on such matters to the Bradford management, in my personal opinion, is not always in the best interests of widescreen film enthusiasts and preservationists.


@John: wouldn't it be more helpful to direct your suggestion directly to Bradford's Programme Officer? I am sure that he/she will not be reading the posts in this forum

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Ja und gerade dieser John fragt bei mir an, warum er seit dem 15. Mai nicht mehr ins forum reinkommt. Kann da der Administratior etwas dazu sagen oder ihm per e-mail antworten??? Vielen Dank.

I did post on the forum on 15th May. I tried to log in yesterday but it said that I had been banned. May I ask if you would contact the administrator of that site to find out what the problem is
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Despite the death of Francois Herr in early April (the man who has manufactured the Cinerama sprockets for Bradford), we have been able to control four programs at his Cinerama screening room in Paris. He has done this screening room for his own pleasure. He has only one movie, the advert for Renault "Dauphine" and some trailers.




It was not difficult to align the projectors for Kinopanorama* and four programs were checked in Cinerama sound configuration, only with 7-tracks. No problems were encountered... Two program are mounted on Cinerama reels (2400m) because they were spare prints for Marseilles, never used.


Photographs to follow.


We have checked some uncontrolled prints and they are perfectly aligned (both sound and picture)


* we have an alignment film called "Eclair" (from the name of the lab).

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