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Alle erstellten Inhalte von jean-louis

  1. Each manufacturer has their own standards. Bolex H16 cable release thread is M3x0.5mm. Beaulieu R16 & super8 is M3.5x0.6mm. Looks like Pathe is another one again. Jean-Louis Google Translate: Jeder Hersteller hat eigene Standards. Bolex H16 Gewinde für Drahtauslöser ist M3x0.5mm. Beaulieu R16 & Super8 ist M3.5x0.6mm. Sieht aus wie Pathe ist ein anderes wieder.
  2. Personally, if I had to choose only one stock I would like to see in DS8 and meterware, it would be Vision3 50D. Google translation: Persönlich, wenn ich nur eine Aktien Ich möchte in DS8 und Meterware sehen, es wählen würde Vision3 50D sein. Jean-Louis
  3. Please excuse my English. Here is my comment on this discussion. One must be aware of the concept of tolerances. Bolex in the H16 service manual specifies: flange focal distance ± 0.02mm groundglass distance ± 0.02mm This is considered satisfactory enough for the manufacturer. Any attempt to get 0.00 is futile as any difference is considered negligeable. Jean-Louis
  4. http://www.ebay.de/i...sd=191128261116 Looks like JK conversion with addition of 1:1 shaft and screw holes for MST motor. Jean-Louis
  5. 8mm cores did exist. I have seen them. I even had some 8mm sized split reels many years ago. Today, it would be very hard to find. Jean-Louis
  6. jean-louis

    Beaulieu CR 16

    Unfortunately, no, I do not have for this model. Jean-Louis
  7. jean-louis

    Beaulieu CR 16

    I may have one. I have to check my stock. Jean-Louis
  8. On the viewfinder tube, there is a sticker indicating "super8 conversion by JK Camera" Sprockets are bigger than normal; check the teeth. Spool spindles are square not round. Jean-Louis
  9. eBay # 251454985304 is a DS8 but expensive. Jean-Louis is a
  10. jean-louis

    ds8 zu super8

    I have been working on a project like this for Friedemann for the Bolex DS8 but alas I have so little time to finish the prototype. Hopefully, soon, more time will be more available. Jean-Louis
  11. The original specification for the C-mount in the American system is 0.690" which is 17.526mm. Why this distance of 0.690" was chosen is a still a mystery to me. Jean-Louis
  12. Excellent reportage Friedemann! Danke! JL
  13. RAR! Beaulieu Superdrive SD8/60 Super8 Filmkassette 60m Kassette für Beaulieu 6008/7008/9008 200ft Super8 http://www.ebay.ca/itm/RAR-Beaulieu-Superdrive-SD8-60-Super8-Filmkassette-/290985667192?pt=DE_Foto_Camcorder_Filmkameras&hash=item43c018ea78&_uhb=1 Jean-Louis
  14. There is much information on projectors at: http://www.kinobauer.de/bauer.html Jean-Louis
  15. These CS-mount lenses could be used on Bolex H8 non-reflex cameras with specially modified turret. Jean-Louis
  16. Yes handle can be removed on the 2008 and the 4008. However, on the 4008, switches must be relocated. Underneath is a standard 1/4 inch tripod socket. This socket is a little fragile however. Jean-Louis
  17. What camera were you using? Are you sure it is irregular? The flash seems to be exactly on the third and fourth frame at the beginning or end of a shot, I cannot tell from the content. Jean-Louis
  18. This is 8mm camera, not 16mm. Lenses are D-mount, not C-mount. 6.5mm is an average wide angle for 8mm format. Jean-Louis
  19. For the technical part of filmmaking: Brian de Palma's Blow Out. JL
  20. Reinhold, I looked at one old projector I have and the bearings are also beginning to deteriorate. On the week-end I will look at some others. Jean-Louis
  21. I am pretty sure I have this. I will look at home this evening. Jean-Louis
  22. I have a junk unit like this. I can probably send you the parts you need if you provide photos. Jean-Louis
  23. This seller must be "übergeschnappt"! http://www.ebay.de/itm/221240465677?ru=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.ebay.de%2Fsch%2Fi.html%3F_from%3DR40%26_sacat%3D0%26_nkw%3D221240465677%26_rdc%3D1 Jean-Louis
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